Dr. Randall is an engaging speaker and presenter, and has led workshops for professionals, practitioners, and members of the general public in Canada, the US, the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and Norway. Here are a selection of his presentations and interviews.
Practicing narrative care: Diverse approaches to awakening ordinary wisdom and finding stillness in your story. Pre-conference workshop for Narrative Matters 2018, University of Twente, Enchede, NL. July 2, 2018
In our stories lies our strength: Fostering narrative wellness in our communities and our lives. Presentation to AGM of Provincial Wellness Movement, Dept. of Social Development. Province of New Brunswick. Fredericton, NB. May 30, 2018
Chaos or coherence? Interdisciplinarity and Narrative. Keynote address for Annual Research Conference. Mercer University. Atlanta, GA. April 14, 2018
Spiritual care as narrative care: The importance of honouring patients’ stories. Didactic presentation for students in Clinical Spiritual Education program at St. Stephen’s College, Edmonton, AB, delivered via Skype from Fredericton, NB. January 10, 2018
Getting old or growing old? Spiritual development in the second half of life. Invited address to Fredericton Rotary Club. January 8, 2018
Narrative resilience in later life: Research notes. Presentation to Learning and Teaching Development Committee at St. Thomas University. December 7, 2017
The mystery and complexity of memory. Invited interactive presentation for The Memory Café, organized by The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick. Fredericton, NB. November 26, 2017
The natural monastery of later life: Reflections on spirituality and aging. Anniversary address at St. Paul’s United Church, Fredericton, NB. November 26, 2017
Honouring the stories of our Elders: The importance of narrative care.Presentation as Provocateur for the Collaborative for Healthy Aging and Care: Summit 2017. Fredericton, NB. November 15, 2017.
In our stories lies our strength: Narrative theory, research, and service. Keynote address to AGM of Center for the Study of Narrative, Mercer University. Atlanta, GA. April 12, 2017.
Spiritual care as narrative care: The sacred art of storylistening. Keynote address to AGM of New Brunswick Network of Spiritual Carers. Fredericton, NB. March 23, 2017.
Storying our lives: A narrative approach to adult development and aging. Public lecture for Colloquium Series organized by Faculty of Education, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. November 16, 2016.
Honouring patients’ stories: Nursing and narrative care. Keynote to 2nd annual conference for nurses with Horizon Health. Saint John, NB. March 15, 2016.
Narrative gerontology: An overview. Keynote for one-day event entitled “Living art, living well: Creative aging innovations” sponsored by Maine Arts Commission and Maine Geriatric Education Center, University of New England. Portland, ME. June 5, 2015.
Storying our lives: A narrative perspective on human development. Keynote for one-year anniversary of Center for the Study of Narrative. Penfield College, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA. June 3, 2015.
Open stories, open lives: Honouring the biographical complexity of older adults. Keynote at 2nd Annual CASE Day, for Centre for Aging and Supportive Environments, Graduate School, Lund University, Lund, SW. August 30, 2011.
A time to read: Narrative openness in later life. Public lecture for conference entitled “Marking Life: Configurations of Time and Their Reflection in the Ages of Man”, organized by The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Heidelberg, DE. September 24, 2009.
Memory as computer file or compost heap? Narrative development in later life. Public lecture at the University of Freiburg. Freiburg, DE. May 12, 2009.
Honouring elders’ stories: Issues and approaches in narrative care. Keynote to “Old age in a new age: The 5th Interdisciplinary conference”, organized by Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation, St. Joseph’s Hospital, and Dalhousie University. Saint John, NB. April 25, 2009.
The poetics of growing old: Narrative gerontology and narrative care. Public lecture to faculty and students in gerontology and related disciplines from College of the Holy Cross, Clark University, and Assumption College. Worcester, MA. November. 5, 2008.
Listening for the story: The importance of narrative care. Keynote to AGM of Executive Directors and Directors of Care for the Canadian Network of Salvation Army Nursing Homes. Moncton, NB. October 22, 2008.
Leading by listening: The importance of narrative care. Keynote to AGM of New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes. Edmundston, NB. May 15, 2008.
Reading our lives: Narrative gerontology and the poetics of growing old. Keynote at conference entitled: Levensverhalen: De betekenis van levensverhalen in de gezonheidzorg. Amersfoort, NL. November. 28, 2006.
Talk Like You’re Listening. Keynote to Annual Convention of Toastmasters International, District 45, Saint John, NB. May 25, 2006.
Reading our lives: Reflections on the poetics of reminiscence Keynote to annual meeting of International Institute for Research on Reminiscence and Life Review. Orlando, FL. November 17, 2005.
The stories we are: Autobiographical learning and ordinary wisdomKeynote for 2nd Nordic Congress on Pedagogy for the Elderly, Copenhagen, DK. November, 1, 2001.
The sacred art of storylistening. Keynote for AGM of Hospice Saint John. Saint John, NB. April 22, 2000.
The fine art of storylistening: Home care as co-authoring. Keynote at 9th Annual Conference of New Brunswick Home Support Association. Fredericton, NB. October 22, 1999.
Exploring the story of your life: The autobiographical adventure. Keynote for AGM of Kidney Foundation of Canada, New Brunswick Chapter. Saint John, NB. April 1999.
Life as story: Essays in soulful sciencePublic lectures (3-part series) for annual T. Le Roy Creamer Lecture. St. Thomas University. Fredericton, NB. October-November 1995.
The story of my life: Exploring the poetics of geriatric care. Keynote to Annual Geriatric Clinic Day sponsored by Credit Valley Hospital. Mississauga, ON. 1994.
Randall, W., & Baldwin, C. (2014). How listeners shape what tellers tell: Implications for narrative care with older adults. Paper for Narrative Matters 2014. Paris, FR, June 24-27. Randall, W., Baldwin, C., D. Furlong, McKim, E., & McKenzie-Mohr, S. (2014). Reminiscence and Resilience: The Role of a Good Strong Story in Meeting the Challenges of Later Life. Paper for Nordic Gerontology Congress, Gotheberg, SW, May 26-28. Randall, W., Baldwin, C., D. Furlong, McKim, E., & McKenzie-Mohr, S. (2013). The rhetoric of resilience: A comparative analysis of the narrative complexity of older adults’ stories. Paper for symposium presentation at 66th annual conference of Gerontological Society of America. New Orleans, LA. November 20-24. Randall, W., Baldwin, C., McKim, E., Furlong, D., Blizzard, C., McKenzie-Mohr, S., Lafrance, M., & Noonan, D. (2013). The role of narrative care in enhancing resilience in later life: A multi-disciplinary analysis of the complexity of personal narratives recounted by older adults. Paper for symposium on Narrative Care at 42nd annual conference of Canadian Association on Aging. Halifax, NS. October 17-19. Randall, W., & Kenyon, G. (2012) Narrative care: Issues, approaches, and perspectives. Two-part panel for 6th Narrative Matters2012 conference. American University of Paris. Paris, FR. May 29-June 1. Randall, W. (November 2011). The importance of being ironic: Narrative reflection, re-genre-ation, and personal resilience in later life. Paper for invited symposium on narrative gerontology at 64th annual conference of Gerontological Society of America. Boston, MA. November 18-22. Randall, W. (July 2011). Narrative gerontology meets narrative psychology: Points of intersection. Paper for symposium on narrative gerontology at annual conference of British Gerontological Society. Plymouth, UK. July 5-7. Randall, W. (March 2011). Aging, irony, and wisdom: The narrative complexity of later life. Paper for conference on Aging, Old Age, Memory, and Aesthetics. University of Toronto, March 24-27. Randall, W. (October 2010). The advantages of a liberal arts environment for experiencing and exploring the narrative nature of human life. International Conference on the Liberal Arts, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB. Sept. 30-Oct. 2. Randall, W. (May 2010). Open stories, open lives: Toward a narrative theology of aging. Paper at Narrative Matters 2010, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB. May 20-23. Randall, W. (June 2008). Letting our stories go: A narrative perspective on spirituality in later life. Paper at Third North American Conference on Spirituality and Social Work. St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB. Randall, W., Kenyon, G., Bohlmeijer, E., & Tromp, T. (May 2008). Narrative foreclosure vs narrative openness: Possibilities for the development of identity in mid- and later life. Paper at Narrative Matters 2008, Toronto, ON. Randall, W., Prior, S., Skarborn, M., & Swift, T. (October 2006). “Cramming for my finals”: Religion and spirituality in later life. Poster at 35th Conference of Canadian Association on Gerontology, Quebec City, PQ. Randall, W., Clews, R., & Furlong, D. (May 2006). The tales that bind: Toward a narrative model of living and helping in rural communities. Narrative Matters 2006, Wolfville, NS. Randall, W., & McKim, E. (May 2006). Reading our lives in later life: The role of metaphorical learning in narrative development. Narrative Matters 2006, Wolfville, NS. Randall, W. (October 2005). Autobiographical learning: Reading our lives as integral to “growing” older. For symposium on “Educational Gerontology: Third Age Education in the Age of the Continuously Developing Mind” at 34th Conference of Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS. Randall, W., Prior, S., & Skarborn, M. (Oct 2005). The role of religion in the construction of personal narrative among the very old. Paper at 34th Conference of Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS. Randall, W., & McKim, E. (October 2004). From psychology to poetics: Aging as a literary process. Paper at 33rd Conference of Canadian Association on Gerontology. Victoria, BC. Randall, W., Skarborn, M., & Prior, S. (October 2004). “So where are you from?”: How tellers’ attempts to contextualize listeners influence reminiscence in the very old. Paper at 33rd Conference of Canadian Association on Gerontology. Victoria, BC. Randall, W. (May 2004). From computer to compost heap: A narrative perspective on autobiographical memory. Paper at Narrative Matters 2004 Conference, Fredericton, NB. Randall, W. (May 2003). If I knew then what I know now: A narrative perspective on rural ministry. Paper at International Conference of Rural Human Services. Halifax, NS. Randall, W., Skarborn, M., & Prior, S. (May 2003). Co-constructing reminiscence: The impact of participants’ perceptions of interviewers’ backgrounds in the social construction of personal narrative. Paper at 20th Qualitative Analysis Conference. Ottawa, ON. Randall, W., & McKim, E. (November 2002). Toward a poetics of aging: Exploring the links between literature and life. Paper at 55th Conference of Gerontological Society of America. Boston, MA. Randall, W., & Clews, R. (June 2002). Narrative matters: Exploring the strength and limitations of a narrative lens for social work in rural communities. Paper at Conference of the Canadian Association of Social Workers, Moncton, NB. Randall, W. (May 2002). In praise of chaos: Can narrative be disciplined? Paper at Narrative Matters 2002 conference, Fredericton, NB. Randall, W., & Clews, R. (October 2001). Formal or informal? Team teaching about making presentations for different audiences. Paper for 6th Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase. Sackville, NB. Randall, W. (July 2001). Teaching story: The pedagogical potential of narrative gerontology. Paper at symposium entitled “Narrative Matters II: Putting Stories to Work in Practice” at 17th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, BC. Randall, W., & Clews, R. (May 2001). Learning the story: Toward a narrative model of helping in rural communities. Research Roundtable at 20th Conference of the Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education. Quebec City, PQ. Randall, W. (June 2000) The view from Canada: An update on the Fredericton 80+ study. Paper on The 80+ studies: A longitudinal study of 80 year olds and older in Canada, Iceland, and Sweden for 15th Nordic Gerontological Congress. Reykjavik, Iceland. Randall, W., Prior, S., & Skarborn, M. (May 1999). Cognitive functioning in 80 year olds: A cross-cultural comparison. Poster for 60th Conference of Canadian Psychological Association. Halifax, NS. Randall, W. (October 1998). The Fredericton 80+ study: A preliminary report. Poster for 27th Conference of Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, NS. Randall, W. (October 1997). Narrative intelligence, biographical aging, and the storying of our lives. Paper for 26th Conference of Canadian Association on Gerontology, Calgary, AB. Randall, W. (October 1996). The poetics of wisdom: A novel approach. Paper for 25th Conference of Canadian Association on Gerontology. Quebec City, PQ. Randall, W. (May 1995). Restorying lives: Transformative learning and the narrative turn in the human sciences. Paper for 14th Conference of Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, Montreal, PQ. Randall, W. (May 1994). Appreciating plot in ‘the story of my life’: Reflections on the poetics of past experience. Paper at 13th Conference of Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, Vancouver, BC. Randall, W. (May 1993). The stories we are: Exploring the poetics of learning. Paper at 12th Conference of Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Kingston, ON. Randall, W. (May 1991). The poetics of self-creation. Paper at Annual Meeting of International Society for Educational Biography, Toronto, ON.
Narrative Care: Putting Theory into Practice. Workshop for faculty and graduate students. Center for the Study of Narrative, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA, April 5, 2016. Reviewing the stories of our past: The interface of reminiscence and narrative. Pre-conference workshop at AGM of International Institute for Reminiscence and Life Review. New Orleans, LA. November 20, 2013. Reading and writing our lives: A workshop on the poetics of growing old. One-day workshop put on with Elizabeth McKim for the Third Age Centre. St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB. April 27, 2013. (Also: October 19, 2007; October 20, 2006; February, 17, 2006; February 17, 2005) Narrative gerontology and narrative care: From theory to practice. Pre-conference workshop with Gary Kenyon and Elizabeth McKim at 64th annual conference of Gerontological Society of America. Boston, MA. November 18, 2011. Storying later life: A workshop on narrative gerontology and narrative care with older adults. 2-day workshop for graduate and post-graduate students at Centre for Aging and Supportive Environments, Graduate School, Lund University, Lund, SW, August 29-30, 2011. Open stories, open lives: Spiritual aging and narrative care. Half-day workshop for conference on “Spirituality and Healthy Aging”, organized by Pastoral Care Dept of Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton, NB. May 31, 2011. The stories we are: A workshop on theory and practice in narrative gerontology. Master class/workshop with Gary Kenyon to university-level instructors in social work and nursing at Trimbos Institute, Utrecht, NL. November 30, 2006. The story’s significance: Issues and ideas in narrative gerontology. One-day workshop for 7th Gerontology Institute, Mount Royal College. Calgary, AB. May 4, 1999. Creating a wisdom environment through storytelling. Invited workshop and consultation, with Gary Kenyon, at The Cove Guest Home, Sydney, NS. March 21, 1999. Restorying our lives: Caring as co-authoring. A 2-day workshop on aging, lifestory, and spiritual care. Part of Bread for the Journey, summer school of Queen’s Theological College and The Institute for Faith and Ethics in Society. Kingston, ON. June 22-23, 2000. Re-story-ing lives: An introduction to narrative therapy. Three-hour workshop for Annual Conference of New Brunswick Mental Health Association. (co-led with Joyce Albert, RN, MEd). Delta Hotel. Saint John, NB. October 7, 1999.
Exploring our stories in later life: Key considerations in a Narrative Gerontology. Presentation to “Writing Our Lives” life-writing group. Shannex Parkland. Fredericton, NB. September 19, 2016. Honouring and inviting older adults’ stories: A narrative perspective on age-friendly communities. Presentation to Age-Friendly Committee, City of Fredericton. Fredericton, NB. August 8, 2016. Spiritual care as narrative care: The importance of working with patients’ stories. Presentation for students in Clinical Spiritual Education program. Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton, NB. June 16, 2016. Narrative resilience in later life: Helping people tell their stories in ways that make them stronger. Presentation to Premier’s Council on Aging, Fredericton, NB. June 14, 2016. The importance of being ironic: Narrative openness and personal resilience in later life. Presentation to the “Narrative Seminar” at University of Tromso. Tromso, NO. May 27, 2016. Narrative gerontology and narrative care: An overview. Presentation to Dept of Healthcare Studies at University of Tromso. Tromso, NO. May 26, 2016. Storying Later Life: Concepts and Issues in Narrative Gerontology. Presentation to Danish Gerontology Society. Copenhagen, DK. May 21, 2016. Honouring Older Adults’ Stories: The Importance of Narrative Care. Presentation to Danish researchers and practitioners doing storywork with older adults. Copenhagen, DK. May 21, 2016. The Importance of Older Adults= Stories: Core Concepts in A Narrative Approach to Aging. Presentation to Dept of Psychogerontology, University of Barcelona. Barcelona, ES. May 18, 2016. The mystery and complexity of memory. Interactive presentation for The Memory Café, organized by The Alzheimers Society of New Brunswick. Fredericton, NB, February 28 2016. Presentation on Honouring older adults’ stories: The critical importance of narrative care in nursing homes, for staff of Pine Grove Nursing Home, Fredericton, NB. February 17, 2016. Honouring People’s Stories at the End of Life: The Importance Of Narrative Care. Presentation to New Volunteer Visitors of Fredericton/Oromocto Hospice. Fredericton, NB. February 8, 2016. Spiritual care as narrative care: The importance of working with patients’ stories. Presentation for students in Clinical Spiritual Education program. Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton, NB. January 5, 2016. Presentation on Men, aging, and stories: Reflections on Spirituality from a Narrative Perspective for Men’s Spirituality Group, Wilmot United Church, Fredericton, NB. February 11, 2015. In-service on Life Review at End of Life for volunteer visitors of Hospice Fredericton, Fredericton, NB. November 17, 2014. Honouring older adults’ stories: An overview of narrative gerontology and narrative care. Presentation for online certificate course in Therapeutic Recreation offered by the Atlantic Institute on Aging. October 30, 2014. Aging and Spirituality. Panel presentation with Andrew Achenbaum and Barbara Lewis, for Third Age Centre. Fredericton, NB. October 23, 2014. Reminiscence and resilience: The importance of a good strong story in later life. Presentation at the Excellence in Aging Care Symposium. Fredericton, NB. September 25, 2014. Reminiscence and resilience: The need of a good strong story in meeting the challenges of later life. Presentation to AGM of the Executive Board of the Institute on Aging, Canadian Institutes on Health Research. Fredericton, NB, May 7, 2014. Narrative gerontology and narrative care: An introduction. Presentation for online certificate course in Therapeutic Recreation offered by the Atlantic Institute on Aging. October 30, 2013. Honouring older adults’ stories: An introduction to narrative gerontology and narrative care. Training session for Clinical Pastoral Education, Dr Everett Chalmers Hospital. Fredericton, NB. July 10, 2013. The importance of storylistening: An introduction to narrative gerontology and narrative care. Presentation to representatives of Hospice Fredericton, Hospice Miramichi, and Hospice Charlotte County. Fredericton, NB. March 12, 2013. The importance of storylistening: An introduction to narrative gerontology and narrative care. Presentation to Annual General Meeting of Hospice Fredericton. Fredericton, NB. November 15, 2012. Narrative gerontology and narrative care: A theoretical introduction. Presentation at one-day workshop organized by Dept of Therapeutic Recreation. York Care Centre. Fredericton, NB. May 4, 2012. The healing power of narrative care with older adults. Presentation to Parish Nursing Committee of St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic Church, Fredericton, NB. February 13, 2012. The importance of narrative care in working with older patients Presentation for St. Andrews and St. David’s Presbyterian Church. Saint John, NB. October 12, 2010. Storying later life: Narrative foreclosure or narrative openness. Presentation at “Catching the Winds of Change” Conference 3: The Maritime Collaborative Therapies Conference. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. June 8-11, 2010. The importance of narrative care in working with older patients. Presentation for Grand Rounds at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Saint John, NB. May 10, 2010. Narrative care: A brief introduction. In-service presentation to staff of Ridgewood Veterans’ Unit. Saint John, NB. August 11, 2009. Honouring elders’ stories: A workshop on the practive of narrative care. Co-presented event organized by Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB, May 1, 2009. Re-starting stalled stories: Interdisciplinary research on narrative foreclosure. Presentation to regular colloquium series organized by the Graduate Institute of Liberal Arts (ILA). Emory University, Atlanta, GA. November 18, 2008. Why narrative matters to me: The story of my interest in story. Presentation to the Boston Cluster Meeting of PhD candidates and supervisors of Fielding Graduate University. Boston, MA. October 25, 2008. Narrative care: Honouring the person in long-term care. Panel presentation as part of “Symposium on Excellence in Eldercare”. Fredericton, NB. September 11, 2008. Presentation on Reading our lives: The poetics of growing old to the Qualitative Research Unit, School of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. May 30, 2008. Getting old or growing old? Narrative foreclosure vs narrative development. Address to academics and professionals in gerontology. Trimbos Institute, Utrecht, NL. May 9, 2007. Reading our lives: The poetics of growing old. Talk to Golden Club. Fredericton, NB. February 14, 2007. The poetics of growing old: Aging as literary process. Invited paper at symposium on “Ageing Stories: Narrative Constructions of Age and Gender.” University of Greifswald. Greifswald, DE. September 3-6, 2006. Caring as co-authoring: Reflections on the narrative dimensions of nursing practice. Address to Faculty of Nursing, Lund University, SW. November 9, 2001. Toward a poetics of aging: Constructs and questions. Seminar presentation to Gerontology Research Centre. Lund, SW. November 8, 2001. Story, journey, and wisdom: Reflections on aging as a biographical process. Presentation with Gary Kenyon to National Advisory Council on Aging. Vancouver, BC. July 1, 2001. Biographical aging and the journey of life. Guest speaker, with Gary Kenyon, at University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS. March 21, 2001. From known to unknown: What metaphor is phor Address to ArtZone: The Metaphor Project. UNB Art Centre. University of New Brunswick. Fredericton, NB. January 30, 2001. Conscious aging: Life as adventure. Invited address at Extra Years of Zest for Life: Seniors Conference 2000 organized by New Brunswick Mental Health Association. Sussex, NB. October 21, 2000. Ordinary wisdom: The sacred art of storytelling and storylistening. Invited lecture at Queen’s Theological College, Kingston, ON. June 22, 2000. The story with story (or what does life look like through narrative-coloured glasses?). Invited address to regular meeting of Alberta Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Foothills Hospital. Calgary, AB. May 3, 1999.