March 19-20, 2024 - Queens Building, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England
We invite you to a unique conference: a collaboration between the the University of the Third Age (Cambridge), the Creative Ageing Special Interest Group of the British Society of Gerontology, the Association for Narrative Research and Practice, and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative, St. Thomas University, Canada. This event will be hosted at Queens Building Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England. This two-day event will explore the idea of later life as a time for intentionally growing old and not just getting old, for discovery and not only decline. It will look into the limits and possibilities of a vision of aging as ADVENTURE (e.g., outward, backward, inward, etc.), as opposed to the sad, slow tragedy according to which for many, old and young, it can be implicitly perceived. Keynote addresses and individual presentations are aimed at fostering interdisciplinary conversation in order to “test out”, so to speak, such a counter-intuitive notion. These include: narrative gerontology, critical gerontology, developmental psychology, psychotherapy, sociology, dementia care, palliative care, spirituality, creativity, political activism, lifelong learning, life-writing, literature, theatre, and the arts.